SASSA Grant Increase 2024, Check New Payment Updates

SASSA Grant Increase 2024

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is in charge of all the social grant payments in South Africa. There are various financial supports like SRD, Disability, Older Persons (Pensioners), and War Veterans’ awards which are essential to provide support. Other various awards, like the Child Support Grant, also offer support to those who are most in need.

South Africa Salary Increase 2024

SASSA Grant-in-Aid Program 2024

SASSA SRD Grant Changes 2024

Increases of Social Grant for 2024

There will be an increment in the social grants quantities this year. On the 1st of April 2024, the revised sums for each social grant are declared by the SASSA.

SASSA Grant for Older Persons

The Older Persons Grant named the Pensioners Grant is intended to assist the South Africans who are approaching the age of retirement. The amount of this grant is R2180 plus an extra R20.

SASSA Grant for War Veterans

For the War Veterans Grant, South Africans with military experience are eligible. This contribution is less but it’s very important. The R2180 + an extra R20 is an updated amount.

SASSA Grant for Disability

For the disability grant, South Africans with disabilities are eligible. The nominees must have cleared the test and medical evaluation. The award for this is R2180.

SASSA Grant for Care Dependency

The households caring for the individual will get this grant. The amount for the Care Dependency Grant is R2180.

SASSA Grant for Foster Child

The main aim of the Foster Child Grant is to provide support to foster children. For this grant, the Guardians and parents have to apply. The grant is now increased up to R1180.

Grant-In-Aid Grant

This grant is for the carers and guardians who need additional assistance. The amount for this grant is R530.

SRD Grant

There is an increment to the SRD Grant of R20, bringing the total to R370 from R350. The government also provides various extra funds to extend the distribution grant for an additional year. As per the reports, the govt will discontinue the SRD R370 payments and launch Universal Basic Income.

SASSA Contact Information

You can contact the SASSA via phone at +27 80 060 1011 or by email at [email protected] if you have any queries and want to apply for it.

To increase the advantage and assistance, check the recent updates and announcements timely and stay updated.

Latest SASSA Pensions News and Updates

The new updates from the SASSA, demonstrate the continued work to guarantee that payment is timely and to enhance the system of the social grant. The USA is now improving its digital platforms to improve customer service and cut down on wait times in response to several faults. To make sure that the vulnerable people get sufficient help, there are also efforts to increase the program outreach.

The SASSA is now also attempting to strengthen systemic integrity and reduce fraud. New verification procedures are made to check the information of the persons. The main goal of this is that many people get the assets they require.

20 thoughts on “SASSA Grant Increase 2024, Check New Payment Updates”

  1. Whats the point when you have thieving idiots running the show the plan is impoverish all so that the state through its largess will “help” the peasants to survive in return for their VOTE.

  2. It is really a disgrace the SASSA for elder people. This money can’t pay rent, buy food and not even electricity. There are people who pay rent etc. Food is so high priced that we can’t live and eat properly. Govt cut your salary to help us live and give a decent amount.

  3. This Money is not enough because Old People need to see Doctors, buy Groceries, Disabled People need to spend Money to look for themselves, I mean at least if it’s more than R3000

  4. I have a problem I didn’t receive the child support grant of Nokwanda Alicia Mathonsi for the month of October 2024 and I don’t know why.
    Please help .I’m the guardian of the child,both parents past when she was 2years and she is now 14 years staying with me

  5. Even if the increase is R20 from R350 to 370 it’s as good as no increase what can these people do with R370 they need to eat clothe buy medication when sick worse others have families to provide for,with R370? That’s a joke, better give them jobs instead of these peanuts

  6. We say thank you for Sassa, but the granny’s must raisd the childrenand how can we do that. Because theres too much babies. Thanks
    Pleass look for a better increase for older people

    • Yes please look after us, and give us an increase that we can live with from month to month, the money we are getting dont even last half a month as we also have stuff to pay and we need to eat

  7. Why bother, we as pensioners can not live on that R20. And the dates are out of control because if on chronic medication you can’t get your follow-up. The dates should go back to before Covid19.

  8. Hi cut goverment officials payments they are earning too much yet they still steal money.give sassa a good cash injection done

  9. I’m working and get less than R7000 a month but only getting R1000 a month old age pension can you give me a answer money is to little please help

    • I need help im a pensioner my house is about to be sold because my ex want a share after he disappeared for twelve years after the divorce settlement I have used my pension money to renovate the house I’m penniless living on state grant can the law revoke the settlement laws because I’m to loose everything I have worked for please can somebody help me at this email address [email protected] I need financial help to buy him out

  10. We appreciate what the government is doing but I personally think that they can do better since the standard/cost of living is so high in our country. We need too keep up with the times. I suggest maybe increase the support money and then also increase particular taxes, yes including VAT 😉.

  11. I just decided to forget about srd because this month approved following 3 months declined worse they doing that in November and December January so I can’t even buy something for my kids just whatever it’s your world sassa.

  12. Im 64 years i work all my live i was in the sa defens force and fite for this country and we get this tipe of money R 2180 for a month to live on its a discrace how you people let us live on that money we must pay rent plases are exspensive after i pay my rent i do have R200 left to live on

  13. Really R20 increase!! It is a disgrace!! You fat cats don’t feel for the elderly as long as you can loot and steal, ELDERLY PEOPLE ARE ALSO HUMAN BEINGS WHO NEEDS AT LEAST 1 DECENT PLATE OF FOOD A DAY,! YOUR R2O INCREASE CAN’T EVEN BUY A TOILET ROLL – DISGUSTING!!!


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